Suggestions on what to bring to meets:
- Snacks
- Drinks
- Games (DS, PSP, Vtech, Leapfrog, etc)
- Toys, Cars
- IPOD, MP3 Player
- Books
- Homework
- Cell Phone
- Camera
- Video Camera
- Notebook and Pen (to keep your wrestlers stats)
- Blanket
- Chair
- Money for concessions
What to expect at the weigh in?
Arrive early! Weigh ins usually start at around 7am at the location of the meet. Weigh ins are done with your wrestler wearing his singlet, with his shoes and headgear off. His nails will be checked and so will his exposed skin. Some locations charge an entrance fee as the meet may be a fundraiser for their organization. These fees vary and can range from $2-$5 per spectator. Be prepared to wait in line for entrance, wait in line for the weigh in and wait for the matches to start.
Night before meet:
- Make sure your wrestlers nails are clipped down
- Check skin for ring worm or any exposed wounds
- Make sure that they get enough sleep
- Pack shoes and headgear, lay out singlet with sweats or track suite
**Weigh in cards will be available for purchase the Thursday and Friday prior to the weekend meet. The fee for weigh in cards will be approx $15. Important information regarding the meet (weigh in time, start time, address, entrance fees, etc.) will be posted on the blog the Wednesday prior to the meet**
Please remember to arrive early, seating is limited (pack a chair just in case, you can always go back out to your vehicle to retrieve it). The wrestlers will be divided up by level and weight class, be prepared for lengthy wait times between matches. Most locations have concessions, though it's always a good idea to pack some snacks and drinks. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask one of your Team Moms.